Book covers in different genres
Book covers in different genres would look different from one another. This is because each genre follows different conventions, styles and trends. And book covers in the same genre would look similar to each other because artists don't want to confuse readers by making the cover design stand out. This is because readers who want to read a book in that specific genre might think that that is not the book they are looking for.

For Task 2, I am required to redesign a book cover called 'Bury What We Cannot Take' by Kirsten Chen. This book is in the Historical Fiction genre. And to get more insight into book cover designs in this genre, I did some research. I have found a blog that has been particularly helpful for this task as the topic is specifically about historical fiction book covers. It is called The Art of Book Cover Design for Historical Fiction. Here are some examples of what the blog showed:
For example, in the romance genre, book covers are expected to feature the main characters as the story would centre around the romantic development of the two main characters.
The blog gave me a good direction for my book cover design ideas. It contained different examples of book covers that are designed in a specific way.
For example, book covers can be 'title focused' meaning that the title is the central focus rather than the image/design/background. Whereas, 'Settings' are covers that feature the area of where the story if based.