Book covers started in the middle ages. Initially, book covers functioned as a protective device as well as keeping pages together. And the only aesthetical purpose was to be a decorative tribute. The design of these covers would be more ornate, usually covered in jewels, pearls, and gold.
In the 19th Century, books started being mass-produced due to the emergence of machines and manufacturing. Additionally, materials were being swapped for less inexpensive items — for example, cloth to paper. And gold-stamped covers became very popular.
In the 20th century, books began using dust jackets, which is an easier way to produce a version of the cloth covers from the past. Dust jackets are detachable covers that wrap around books to protect them from dust and to prolong the book's life span. Additionally, they are used as an advertisement for the book.
Book cover designs changed drastically due to the rise of technology, and the changes in art styles. The book industry started to become more commercially competitive at this time. Book covers were used as tools to express the style, genre and subject of a book in hopes of attracting more sales.